Chelsey Drysdale Chelsey Drysdale

Death and Loss: Women Writing Out Loud

Conversations from the Archive
April 2015
BinderCon Los Angeles


Emily Rapp Black: In nonfiction, grief is the richest experience you have. Everyone experiences it differently. I wrote my book when my son was still living. After he died, I literally was out of my mind. I was trying to find meaning, not feelings, before he died. After, all I had were feelings.

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Chelsey Drysdale Chelsey Drysdale

Nonfiction: The Art of the Personal Story

Conversations from the Archive
April 2014
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion, Meghan Daum
The Empathy Exams, Leslie Jamison
The Object Parade, Dinah Lenney
Trying to Be Cool: Growing Up in the 1950s, Leo Braudy
The Man Within My Head, Pico Iyer

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