Line Editing

What You Need

If you’re one of those extraordinary people who writes a draft or two without stopping to edit your sentences along the way, you have a magical gift! Are your ideas dazzling and expressed to the best of your ability, but you need a meticulous reader to discern how your sentences might be revised to turn your piece from something acceptable into something exceptional while highlighting your voice?

I am an edit-as-I-go writer, and I always will be, even if I’m jealous of people like you who aren’t! There is no wrong writing process, only the one that serves you. Together we can tighten and vary your sentences, ensure the words flow well when read aloud, and revise at the line level to best articulate the meaning of the text.

How It Works

We will start with a complimentary fifteen-minute phone call or Zoom consultation to discuss the goals for your project.

If the project is a full manuscript, I can provide a 2,000-word sample edit for a flat fee that can be applied to the total cost of our additional time together, if applicable. In my follow-up quote, I will include specific issues I anticipate we will address.

For shorter projects, I will provide a quote after seeing the full text.

Once we agree on a tailored proposal, fee schedule, and time frame, I will read your work and provide detailed, actionable, supportive feedback and suggest changes using Track Changes/Comments in Microsoft Word.

Following your review of my work, we will have a one-hour Zoom meeting to discuss the project. Here I can answer any remaining questions not addressed previously via email.

If you determine you’d like me to provide a second line edit of your revised project, I can provide a new quote for the second round.


Rates vary according to the scope and size of each project. I will provide an individualized quote and negotiate a rate based on your needs after seeing a representative sample of your unique project (at least 3,000 to 5,000 words for full manuscripts). We will discuss the parameters and agree to terms that meet your goals.

Additional Information

All submissions should be provided via email in Microsoft Word double-spaced in a standard size-12 font such as Times New Roman. (Accommodations can be made if you work in Google Docs.)

A standard manuscript page is about 250 words. To calculate your project’s page count, visit